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seismic fault中文是什么意思

用"seismic fault"造句"seismic fault"怎么读"seismic fault" in a sentence


  • 地震断层


  • Strike - slip seismic fault and mainshock - aftershock earthquake sequences are dominant in whole yunnan area
  • In the case of the sumatra quake , the seismic fault fan north to south beneath the ocean floor , while the tsunami waves shot out west and east
  • To unerstand precursory process before seismic fault slip , this work focuses on earthquake nucleation process on a fault plane through numerical simulation
  • If the project proceeds as planned , toxic oil will move from offshore platforms through an earthquake zone and down and 800 - kilometer pipeline that crosses 24 active seismic faults and more than 200 wild salmon spawning rivers and tributaries
  • Abstract : this paper gives brief introduction to the percentages that the economic losses caused by earthquake disasters in some countries in recent years account for the gross domestic products of those countries ; mainly introduces the researches on some seismic faults in some seismically active areas , as well as the contents and research progress of the earthquake insurance tests that are carried out on the basis of faulting activities
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